DALCHINI (Tvak - Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume)

This commonly used spice is a good digestive & its pleasant flavour has soothing effect on mind.

  • Indigestion: 2 gm powder of bark with water twice a day.

  • Loss of Appetite: 2 gm powder of equal parts of Dalchini and Ajvain (Trachyspremum ammi Spragne) for chewing in three divided doses before food.

  • Vomiting: 1-2 gm powder with honey thrice a day in divided doses.

  • Tension headache: To be rubbed with water on a rough surface & applied to forehead.

  • Mental tension: The aroma has soothing action on mind. Crushed pieces may be kept in hanky or near the pillow.

  • Dry cough: Chewing controls the throat irritation and helps in dry cough.


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