Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata
CARI Kolkata
Employee Corner
Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) formerly known as National Research Institute of Ayurvedic Drug Development and Central Research Institute of Ayurveda which was earlier established as Regional Research Institute (Ay.) on 1971 at Jagannath Dutta Lane, Kolkata and then the Institute was shifted to Bidhannagar, Kolkata on 1997 in its own building. Govt. of West Bengal had provided 3 acres land in the most posh area of Kolkata (SEZ) for the present campus.
CARI Kolkata is presently functioning with six departments, namely Hospital (OPD & IPD), Pathology Biochemistry & Microbiology, Pharmacognosy, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacy.

- To develop an Institute as best Institute or Institute of Excellence into a dynamic, vibrant and model research organization for undertaking more and more coordinating joint research ventures, aiding and promoting research in Ayurveda.
- To focus research on the need of masses with a view to emerging health requirement of India.
- To attain global leadership in Ayurveda research for promotion of health, preventive / treatment management for lifestyle diseases and metabolic disorders.
- To bring modern scientific knowledge, technology to validate Ayurveda in scientific manner for welfare of the ailing humanity.
- To develop Institute as a Centre for excellence with healthy working environment in regards to GMP accredited pharmacy, certified clinical wing and state-of-art laboratories.
- Development of safe, effective, affordable Ayurvedic drugs based on strengths of Ayurveda for National and global needs on scientific lines at par globally accepted norms.
- Development of standards for identification, collection and storage practices of raw materials.
- Development of quality control parameters and standardization of raw materials, extractives etc.
- Development of suitable pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems.
- Development of standard operating procedures for various classical and investigational new drugs (IND).
- Development of quality, stability parameters for various classical and investigational new drugs (IND) to facilitate their registration as traditional medicine under THMPD of European Union.
General Information
- Fees for OPD registration (one time in a year): Rs. 5/-
- For Senior Citizens (documents to be verified/ at the discretion of In-charge):
- OPD Registration- Free
- 30% of the rate for all other services including investigations, bed charges and procedure / operation charges.
- Research programme cases of the Council- exempted from all charges.
- Patients belonging to below poverty line (BPL)
(Documents to be verified/ at the discretion of In-charge) –
Exempted from all charges: Free
OPD time Schedule
- OPD registration for general patients: 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. Research Cases: as per time fixed by the concerned investigators : (10 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
- Reporting for adverse Drug Reactions / Events: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
OPD day Schedule
- General OPD: Daily (except 2nd Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) Geriatrics Health Care Clinic: Tuesday & Saturday (except 2nd Saturday).
- Reporting Adverse Drug Reaction / Events: Daily (at PPC Room 35)
- Ksharasutra Clinic for ano-rectal disease : Tuesday & Friday.
- Flu line illness clinic : Daily 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.).
Facilities available at Hospital
- Free consultation for treatment and support service
- 20 bed strength at IPD
- In-house diet supply
- All series of quality Ayurvedic medicines are available
- Daily Panchakarma procedures
- Ksharasutra operation (Plan)
- Biochemistry, Pathology and Radiology test
- Tie up for CGHS empanelled laboratory for special tests
- Round the clock doctors and paramedical staff
- 24 x 7 security personnel
Visiting time at IPD
Morning : 11 a.m. – 11.30 a.m
Evening : 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Specialty Clinic
- Panchakarma Clinic
- Ano-Rectal Clinic
- General Health Care Clinic
- Flu line illness
A total number of 1,19,627 patients have attended O.P.D. during the last six year (2010-2015). Out of them, 62,561 patients were males and 57,066 patients were females, which include 783 male children and 765 female children. Total 860 patients with different ailments were admitted in the IPD of the hospital section during the last five year as part of the clinical research. Out of which mostly cases were suffering from Amavata, Sandhivata, Vatavyadhi, Bhagandara and Arsha, Pakshaghata. Remaining were cases of Gridhrashi, Katishoola, Katigraha, Kitibha, Madhumeha etc. and were admitted on the basis of provisional diagnosis. The percentage of bed occupancy rate during the last six years (2010-2015) recorded was 75.02%, 56.96%, 107.8%, 85.34% and 69.81 respectively.
The following projects have been carried in last 10 years
- Documentation of reported episodes of prevention/treatment of vector borne / infectious diseases of Ayurveda & Siddha drugs.
- Implementation of National Pharmacovigilance Programme for ASU Drugs as Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre (PPC) – ongoing.
- WHO Collaborative work on preparation of document on evidence based treatment/practices of ASU, Yoga and Naturopathy system based on Research Work for general practitioners (web based document of WHO).
- Survey, catalogue and digitization of medical manuscripts in Eastern India.
- Open observational study on clinical safety of selected Ayurvedic and Siddha herbomineral and metallic preparations.
- Multi-centric open clinical trial on Dhatri lauha in Iron deficiency anaemia.
- Implementation of WHO guideline for Pharmaco-vigilance system for traditional medicine.
- Evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of the Vamana Karma followed by Takradhara and Rasaousadhi Rasayana Chikitsa in Kitibha ( Psoriasis).
- Evaluation of clinical efficacy and safety of Brahma Rasayana in apparently healthy persons.
- Standard Operating Procedure of manufacturing of ASU drugs under APC.
- Development of new Neutraceutical product for nootropic and anti-stress agent from indigenous plants beverage Black Tea ( Camellia sinensis) – a pharmco-clinical study
- The standardization and safety / toxicity studies of Ayurvedic formulations (5 nos.)
- Isolation of Marker compounds of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants – APCproject.
- Toxicity studies of Punarnava Mandoor and Kasis Bhasma (Ayurvedic formulation).
- Clinical Evaluation of Vyoshadi guggulu and Haritaki churna in the Management of Obesity (Sthaulaya).
- Clinical Evaluation of Vyaghri Haritaki in the Management of Chronic Bronchitis.
- Pre- clinical 90 days repeated dose oral toxicity study of Safed Musli (Chlorophytum arundinaceum) extract in Wistar rats.
- Acute Toxicity and 28 days repeated dose oral toxicity study of new poly-herbal anti diarrhoeal formulation in rats.
- Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Brihat Gangadhar Churna in the management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. – ongoing.
- Clinical evaluation of certain Ayurvedic formulations in the management of Sthoulya (Obesity).
- Clinical Evalauation of Triphala Guggulu and kashishadi tail in the management of Arsha (Haemorrhoids).
- Clinical Evalauation of Ayurvedic formulation in the Management of Parikartika (Fissure in Ano).
- Clinical evaluation of Kushmandaka Rasayana in the management of Chronic Bronchitis (Kaphaja Kasa)
- Collaborative multi-centric clinical trial to study the effect of AYUSH Rasayana (A & B) on ageing in apparently healthy elderly subjects– ongoing
- Clinical evaluation of Laksa Guggulu, Muktashukti Bhasma, in the management of Osteoporosis/Osteopenia.
- An Open Label Study to Assess the Clinical Efficacy & Safety of C1 Oil for Eczema and Wound healing – a pilot study
- Tribal Health Care Research Project (Tribal Sub-Plan) / THCRP. – ongoing
- Ayurveda Mobile Health Care Programme under SC Sub Plan. – ongoing
- Swasthya Rakshan Programme linked with Swachha Bharat Mission. – ongoing
- Evaluation of Hypoglycemic, Hepato-protective and Anti-dyslipidaemic activity of Parijaata (Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn.) Flower Extract in Experimental Animals. – ongoing
- Exploratory Evaluation of Jatyadi ghrita on chronic wound healing properties on diabetes induced rats.
- Exploratory Evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of Aarogyavardhini vati in experimental animal models.
- The Standardization and Quantification of three Ayurvedic Plants in respect to the biologically active marker compounds present therein.
The Department is well equipped with modern sophisticated equipments (RT-PCR, Electrolyte Analyzer, HbA1C analyzer, Fully automated Biochemistry Analyzer, Hematology Analyzer, Immunoassay analyzer, BSL-2, Spectrophotometer, Fluorescence spectrophotometer, ESR analyzer etc.). All the Pathological and Biological investigations related to blood, stool, urine etc. are carried out in regular basis. Total no. of 3,53,732 tests have been carried out in this Department for both OPD, IPD & trial patients.
The area of research include identification of crude drugs, macroscopic studies (both qualitative and quantitative), analysis of powdered drugs, fluorescence analysis (inside UV Chamber), qualitative test, i.e., determination of identity, purity and strength, quantitative microscopy and chemo-microscopic tests for cell contents of diagnostic value.
Pharmacognostical studies on a total of 105 drug plants/parts were carried out in the past 5 years and 9 monographs on Ayurvedic plants have been prepared. This Department has enlisted the detail information on 107 Indian flok lore claims and closely engaged for developing the standard operating procedure of manufacturing of ASU drugs.
The Department is engaged currently with the drug standardization and isolation of marker compounds of Ayurvedic plants, which are extremely essential for proper identification of the plants. The Department has performed anticancer and cancer-chemopreventive studies on the Himalayan bitter plant, Chirayita (Swertia chirata Buch Ham) and isolated its major bitter glycosider, amarogentin and obtained two process patients. Crude drug and amarogentin for skin carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma have been investigated in collaboration with Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Kolkata. The preparations of 15 monographs of important Ayurvedic plants have been done by this Department. The Department has developed one drug for the treatment of psoriasis and filed for patent.
This project is sponsored by the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, to prepare the standard operating procedure for manufacture of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Formulations. SOP of 23 Ayurvedic formulations have been completed and going to be published in the Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Presently, work on development of SOP of another 2 important formulations is going on.
In this Department, toxicity and pharmacological studies of various Ayurvedic and Siddha drugs (single, compound, herbo-metallic, oil and bhasmas) were carried out as per the O.E.C.D. guidelines in experimental animals. Toxicity testing of 36 formulations was carried out in the Department. This Department is also engaged for study on trial drugs received from different Institutes viz. National Research Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, National Research Institute of Human Resource Development in Ayurveda and Siddha, Gwalior and Pharmacological Research Unit, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar. This Department has state-of-art animal house which is approved by CPCSEA, Government of India.
This Department is well equipped for manufacturing of Ayurvedic drugs. The ISM Drug Control, Government of West Bengal has accredited it as a GMP certified Pharmacy. This Department is manufacturing different kind of Ayurvedic formulations like capsule, tablet, ointment, vati, churna, ghanavati, ghanasatva, bhasma, taila etc. This Department has developed standard operating procedure (SOP) for manufacturing of so many Ayurvedic formulations and Council’s patented products i.e. AYUSH Antarctica Tea, RCH Drugs, AYUSH-56, AYUSH-57, AYUSH-64 etc. Ayurvedic RCH Drugs are being prepared in bulk quantity and providing different trial centres of CCRAS.
Wide ranges of drugs is being prepared for this Institute (IPD & OPD) and have been tested and analyzed by Pharmacognosy and Chemistry Department. The medicine required for daily OPD & IPD patients are supplied by this Department. This Department is also engaged for incorporating of modern sophisticated technology for traditional preparations with scientific validation.
- Affiliated by the West Bengal University of Health Sciences for conducting Ph.D. Programme in two subjects, i.e. Ayurvedic medicine and Pharmacology.
- This Institute has signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) for carrying out collaborative research with six leading Institute / Medical college / Trustee body.
- This Institute had organized different International and National level conference, workshop, training, seminar, interactive seminar symposia on related to the mandate of the Institute.
- This Institute is being recognized as study centre for conducting classes for Raj-Bhasha (Official language) for the employees of this Institute and neighbouring Institutes.
- The Institute has got the sanction for new B+G+7 building with state –of- art facilities and its construction work has already been initiated by NPCC.
- Institutional Scientific Advisory Committee (approved by CCRAS Hqrts.)
- Institutional Ethical Committee for Experimental Animals (approved by CPCSEA)
- Institutional Ethical Committee for Human Research (approved by CCRAS Hqrts.)
- Institutional Ph.D. Committee (approved by WB University of Health Sciences).
Suo Moto Disclosure and Activities : Central Ayurveda Research Institute, Kolkata
Employee Details