NIIMH Hyderabad
Employee Corner
A Health Survey and Development Committee was appointed by the Imperial Government of India in 1944 with Sir John Bhore as Chairman was known as Bhore Committee. Prof. Henry E. Sigerist, the then Director of Johns Hopkins Institute of History of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, was one of the six overseas experts. He has submitted a memorandum to the Bhore Committee proposing an Institute of History of Medicine in the then-contemplated National Medical College, New Delhi (Present-day All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi). The Government of India then appointed a Special Committee in 1946 to study the Bhore Committee Report and its recommendations. The Special Committee approved the proposal of Prof. Sigerist. The idea and suggestion to establish a Department of History of Medicine in Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, came up from Maj. Gen. S.L. Bhatia, the Surgeon-General of the composite State of Madras, as there was no such department in any medical college in India. The matter of starting a Department of History of Medicine was geared up only after the formation of Andhra State, under the dynamic Directorship of Maj. K. N. Rao. It was sanctioned vide. G.O. No. 1465, Health, dated 28-09-1955.
Department of History of Medicine was established on 26-09-1956 at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam. Afterward, it was transferred to Hyderabad in the month of December 1956 under the honorary Directorship of Dr. D.V. Subba Reddy. In view of the National importance of the Department of History of Medicine, it was handed over to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on 14-02-1969 and was renamed as Institute of History of Medicine. Subsequently, the Institute transferred to the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (CCRIM&H) w.e.f. 01-04-1970. The Institute was renamed the Indian Institute of History of Medicine in the 9th Executive Committee of CCRIM&H held on 04-08-1973. When the CCRIM&H was divided into four separate Councils, the Institute came under the control of the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) w.e.f. 01-01-1979. Keeping in view of the Institute’s achievements and credibility, the Dept. of AYUSH, Govt. of India has upgraded the Institute on 15-12-2009 as “National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage”. The Institute is functioning in its own building w.e.f. 21-02-2013.
The institute has a specialized Medico-Historical Library. It functions as a referral library and is not a substitute or replica of any medical college library and is maintained with two objectives: [1]. Promotion of knowledge of the history of medicine amongst medical students, teachers, and interested public; [2]. Promotion of Research into the History of medicine in India during the Ancient, Medieval, and Modern periods and elucidation of the inter-relations between the Evolution of Medicine in India and in other centres of civilization in ancient and medieval times. The library contains significant collections of manuscripts, rare books, books and periodicals. As of date, there are more than 20000 holdings pertaining to Ayush medical systems, modern medicine, archaeology, history, Indology, linguistics, grammar, etc. The library serves as a referral resource to historians, research scholars, and post-graduate students from India and abroad.
The Medico-historical museum of National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage (NIIMH), Hyderabad provides resource materials for historians, scientists, and personnel who are interested in the study and documentation of the historical aspects Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and Homoeopathy and (Ayush) as well as Modern Medicine.
The Institute has a Medico-Historical Museum with two main sections The World Medicine and Medicine in India. As on date, there are more than 1,000 exhibits which include estampage of medical inscriptions, rare photos, paintings, charts, models made up of plaster of Paris, replicas of copper plate inscriptions, statues, ayurvedic drug samples, postal stamps of medico-historical importance and some antique clinical apparatus, etc., to illustrate the development of medicine and medico-historical events related to AYUSH and other systems.
The Reprographic section of the Institute has about 137 Microfilms (35 mm) which include 38 Ayurveda, 41 Unani, 04 Siddha, and 54 Modern Medicine. The Institute publishes ‘Journal of Indian Medical Heritage’ (formerly known as Bulletin of the Institute of History of Medicine, Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine, and Journal of Indian Institute of History of Medicine). The journal publishes literary research and medico-historical studies on Ayush medical systems, Modern medicine, other world medical traditions, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Indology, Literature, etc. The journal is the first-of-its-kind journal in India on the history of medicine and the articles published during 1971-2007 and indexed in PubMed. From 1971 to 2021, 50 volumes and a new issue of JIMH i.e., 2022_Volume 1_Issue 1 were published.
- Literary Research and Documentation.
- Revival and retrieval of texts from ancient manuscripts and rare books.
- Search and Collection of information, descriptive notes.
- Editing and publication of rare medical manuscripts/books on AYUSH.
- Documentation
- Ayurveda Encyclopedia
- Museum on History of Medicine
- Referral library on AYUSH Systems of Medicine and modern medicine.
- Ayush Research Portal (ARP)
- Any other assignment of National Importance related to Research and Development in Ayurveda.
- Survey and acquisition of rare medical manuscripts and rare books on Ayush systems of medicine, Modern medicine etc., in different languages.
- Transcription, transliteration, translation, and publication of medical works based on manuscripts, rare books, and unpublished works related to Ayush systems and to bring out critical editions in print & electronic form.
- Collection of medical information from other sources like ancient non-medical literature – Vedas, Puranas etc., Archaeological & Epigraphical sources, accounts of foreign travellers in India.
- Study of historical development and evolution of concepts of diseases, drugs and other aspects of Ayush Systems.
- Preparation of biographies of physicians/authors, and commentators of classical medical literature of different periods.
- Projects for writing History of Medicine Area wise, Period wise, and Theme wise.
- Collection, editing, and publication of News & Notes and historical materials, including the publication of the Bulletin of the Institute & Monographs.
- Organization of exhibitions on some specific occasions like seminars, celebrations, etc., to exhibit the development of medicine in India and for dissemination of Indian Medical systems.
- Referral services and guidance to research scholars.
- Preparation of bibliographies of journals/articles on the History of Medicine.
- Collection of oral history i.e., audio recording and the historical background and other details like palm-leaf and paper manuscripts, old books, certificates of grants, awards, etc., from hereditary physicians and traditional medical practitioners in and around Hyderabad city.
- Development and maintenance of Medico-historical Library.
- Development and maintenance of Medico-historical Museum.
- Design and development of IT applications to document and preserve Ayush medical heritage.
- Maintaining CCRAS-RMIS (Research Management Information System) – a continuous service since March 2014.
Achievements (Since inception to September 2023)
Details | Number |
Books published | 38 |
Ebooks developed | 14 |
Articles published by Officers | ~ 500 |
Publication of BIIHM/ JIIMH/ JIMH | 50 Volumes (1971-2020) & New issue_2022_Volume 1, Issue 1 |
Total Number of collections in the library (Manuscripts, Books, Periodicals etc.) | ~ 20000 |
Total Number of Exhibits in Museum | ~ 1027 |
Design, Development, and launched Portals | 08 |
Research Projects (EMR, IMR, Collaborative, sponsored by CCRAS and others etc.) | 64 |
Special Assignments by the Ministry of Ayush | 05 |
Special Assignments by CCRAS | 12 |
Award of Ph.D. Degree | 04 |
The events of the past, the influencing conceptions of all extraordinary forms of civilization, the achievements of great people, the virtues and the high faiths, etc., are the major constituents of real history, which is a continuous process knowing no ends and representing a long range of process involving very long duration and large numbers. The moment we deal with a historical subject, it means dealing with reality in some form, be it an event, a man or some substance. A peep into antiquity helps to understand many subjects better and brings forth many hidden aspects in proper perspective. Studying various aspects of health and disease is no exception because, the history as a matter of fact becomes utterly incomplete if it fails to give an account of the progress and development of medical science, which has played an important role in its remarkable achievements, from the past to the present day civilization. History of medicine thus, constitutes an integral part of the history of human civilization, giving an account of man’s efforts to deal with human illness and therapy from the earliest times.
A Health Survey and Development Committee was appointed by the imperial Government of India in 1944 with Sir John Bhore as chairman which came to be known as Bhore Committee. Six overseas experts and consultants were invited to tour in India, offer advice and assist the Committee. Prof. Henry E. Sigerist the then Director of Johns Hopkins Institute of History of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, was one of the experts. He submitted to the Bhore Committee, a memorandum recommending the opening of an Institute of History of Medicine in the then contemplated National Medical College, now the All India Institute of Medical Sciences at New Delhi. The Government of India then appointed a Special Committee in 1946 to study the Bhore Committee Report and its recommendations. The Special Committee approved the proposal of Prof. Sigerist.
The idea and suggestion to open a Department of History of Medicine in Andhra Medical College came up from Maj. Gen. S.L. Bhatia, the Surgeon-General of the composite State of Madras, as there was no such department in any medical college in India. One of the recommendations of the Upgrading Committee was to have a Department of History of Medicine in Andhra Medical College, where Prof. D.V. Subba Reddy had been giving talks on the History of Medicine, conducting research, and publishing papers and books on the History of Medicine in India.
The matter of starting a Department of History of Medicine was geared up only after the formation of Andhra State, under the dynamic directorship of Maj. K. N. Rao. It was sanctioned vide. G.O. No. 1465, Health, dated 28-09-1955, and Dr. D.V. Subba Reddy, the then Prof. of Physiology, Madras Medical College, joined as head of the Department on 23-09-1956. The Department of History of Medicine was officially inaugurated on 26-09-1956 by Mrs. M. Chandrashekar, the then Deputy Minister of Health and Family Planning, Government of India, at the Raja of Panagal Buildings, Vishakhapatnam.
The Department was transferred to Hyderabad from Vizag vide G.O. Ms. No. 290. Health dated 31-12-1956, as there were greater facilities in the capital with Ayurvedic and Unani Colleges, old libraries, museums and a great variety of literary and artistic talents. In 1958 the department was upgraded, Professor Subba Reddy who played a key role for the establishment and development of this department was selected as the Director and a post-graduate diploma in history of medicine was instituted. At Hyderabad from April 1957 to January 1959 it was housed in Gandhi Medical College in Basheerbagh, then it was shifted into historic palatial mansion “Nizambagh, Diwan Devdi“, in Salarjung Palace in old city in 1959 and thereafter in 1962 it was shifted into the newly constructed building of the Osmania Medical College, where it is situated presently.
In view of the National importance of the Department of History of Medicine, it was handed over to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), an autonomous organization under Ministry of Health & Family Planning, Govt. of India, in February 1969 and was named as Institute of History of Medicine. Then it was transferred to Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (CCRIM&H) in April 1970. The Institute was renamed as Indian Institute of History of Medicine in the 9th Executive Committee of CCRIM&H held on 04-08-1973. Thereafter, the CCRIM&H was divided into four separate Councils and the Institute came under the control of Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS) from January 1979.
To serve as a common platform for all Scholars, Institutions and Organizations involved in the history of Medicine and allied disciplines. To create awareness regarding the importance and inclusion of History of Medicine in current medical education of India. To arrange for lectures, discussions and exhibitions, to spread the knowledge of the History of world medicine in general and of Medicine in India, in particular. Publication of Bulletin devoted to critical studies or original research in Historical aspects of World medicine in general and Medicine in India, in particular. Preparation of catalogues of books, rare books, manuscripts, epigraphs and articles on the history of World and Indian medicine. To innovate new avenues, to procure rare and antique collections, to update the Medico Historical Library, Museum. To preserve and digitalize the rare manuscripts, books, photographs, films, microfilms of Medico historical importance for the benefit of future generations. Translation, editing & publication of manuscripts, rare and out-of-print books of medico-historical importance. To establish mutual contacts, and collaboration with Research Organizations, Associations, Libraries of common interest in India and abroad.
To serve as an Information Hub for the Scientific, Medical, Humanities study groups and allied fields who are interested to learn more from the Past and Happening history of Science and Medicine in India and abroad.
Institutes’ history and timeline
YEAR | EVENT | ||||||
28-09-1955 | Department of History of Medicine was started at Raja of Panagal Buildings, Vizag (Vishakhapatnam). | ![]() | |||||
26-09-1956 | Department Officially inaugurated by Mr. M. Chandrashekar, Deputy Minister of Health and Family Planning, Government of India. [On the advice of Prof. Henry E. Sigerist the then Director of Johns Hopkins Institute of History of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, one of the experts of Bhore Committee,1944.] | ||||||
31-12-1956 | The Department was transferred from Vizag to Hyderabad. | ![]() | |||||
1958 | Department upgraded under the Directorship of Prof. V. Subba Reddy with a Post-graduate diploma in History of Medicine. | ||||||
1959 | Shifted into historic palatial mansion ‘Diwan Devdi, Nizambagh’, in Salarjung Palace, Hyderabad. | ||||||
1962 | Shifted to newly constructed building of the Osmania Medical College, Koti, Hyderabad. | ||||||
February, 1969 | Named as Institute of History of Medicine under the aegis of Indian Council of Medical Research -(ICMR). | ![]() | |||||
Asst. Director In-Charge 1970 | Institute transferred to Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (CCRIM&H). | ||||||
04-08-1973 | Institute was renamed as Indian Institute of History of Medicine in the 9th Executive Committee of CCRIM&H | ||||||
January, 1979 | Institute came under the control of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) after the division of CCRIM&H into five separate councils. | ||||||
15-12-2009 | Keeping in view of the Institute’s achievements and capability, the Govt. of India has upgraded the Institute as ‘National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage’. | ||||||
February, 2013 | The Institute shifted to New Building located at Survey No.314, Revenue Board Colony, Gaddiannaram, Hyderabad-500036, Telangana, INDIA. | ![]() |