Dr. Biswo Ranjan Das
Research Officer (Homoeopathy)
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Dr Biswo Ranjan Das, M.D. (Homoeopathy), PGDHHM, currently working as Research Officer (Homoeopathy) since 09-01-2017 at National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad under CCRAS, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India.
He graduated with a B.H.M.S from Utkalmani Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Rourkela, of Sambalpur University, Odisha in 2004. He obtained his Doctor of Medicine (Homoeopathy) in the specialty Repertory from Dr. A.C. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar, of Utkal University, Odisha in 2011. He got Qualified in UGC-NET for Lectureship in the subject “Social Medicine and Community Health” in the year June 2012.
He joined as a Medical Officer, Mobile Health Unit (MHU), Kashipur under the Office of the CDMO, Raygada, Odisha from December 2007 and January 2008. He worked as a Lecturer in Repertory C. L. C. M. Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Center, Bilaspur, (Chhatisgarh) from March 2011 to June 2012. He worked as Senior Research Fellow (H) at Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), Head Quarter, New Delhi from July 2012 to October 2012 and at Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Puri, Odisha, under CCRH, from November 2013 to September 2015. He got opportunity to join as Senior Resident (Homoeopathy) at Dr. B.R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical college, Hospital & Research Centre, Nanakpura, New Delhi under Govt. of Delhi and worked from September 2015 to January 2017.
He joined as a Research Officer (Homoeopathy) at National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage, Hyderabad under CCRAS, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India (Formerly known as Indian Institute of History of Medicine) on 09-01-2017.
He acted as a Principal investigator (P.I.) for the Literary Research project titled- ‘History of Inception and Development of Homoeopathy in India” and contributed for the publication of the book under the same title published by the CCRAS, New Delhi in 2022. Currently, he is working on the IMR project as P.I. titled “Historical Etymological Analysis of Homoeopathic Terminologies”.
He also acted as Co- Principal investigator for the projects titled “Implementation and Maintenance of National AYUSH Morbidity and Standardized Terminologies Electronic Portal (NAMASTE- Portal)” and Ayush Manuscripts and Advanced Repository (AMAR) Portal.
Published Scientific Papers in various Journals:
- A Case of Eczema, Homoeo Times- Journal on clinical evidence, Vol.10, Issue 8, August 2013
- A Case of eczema and its Homoeopathic Treatment, Vital Informer”- Monthly Medical News Letter, Vol.21, No.10, October 2013
- A Case of Eczema on Nose and its Homoeopathic treatment, http://www.Hpathy.com September 2013
- A Case of Atopic Eczema, Homoeo Times- Journal on clinical evidence, Vol.11, Issue 2 February 2014
- Prophylactic Aspect of Homoeopathy an Overview from Ancient to Modern Era, International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research, Volume 6, Issue 11, https://scopedatabase.com/documents/00000245/00000-90700, p. 22-28, November 2018
- Analysis of the Efficacy of Sepia officinalis in the Management of Distress during Climacteric Years, Indian Journal of Integrative Medicine, October-December 2019
- History of Development of Homoeopathy in India, Journal of Indian Medical Heritage, Consolidated special issue 2017-20, XLVII-L, p. 89-99, 2020
- Biography of Dr James Tyler Kent and his Contribution to Homoeopathy, Journal of Indian Medical Heritage (JIMH), Consolidated special issue 2017-20, XLVII-L, p. 100-106, 2020.
- The Difficulties faced by Homoeopathic Physicians in the Management of Patients, Journal of Indian Medical Heritage, Quarterly, Bi-lingual, October– December 2022, Vol.1, Issue 1, p. 102–111, March 2023.
- Father Augustus Muller: An extraordinary life dedicated to the cause of Homoeopathy and charity, Journal of Indian Medical Heritage, Quarterly, Bi-lingual, January– March 2023, Vol.2, Issue 1, E-ISSN: 3050-5739, P-ISSN: 0975-430X, DOI: 10.4103/jimh.jimh_4_23, p. 42–50
He participated in over 30 scientific conferences, Seminars and Workshop. He has over 15 articles published in National Journals. He has been assigned as Editorial Board member of the CCRAS Journals, viz. JIMH and one Special issue of JRAS.
He has been assisting to procure Old, Rare, Medical / Homoeopathic Books, Journals (National, International) and Objects, Artefacts w.r.t. Homoeopathy for enriching the Institute’s Medico-Historical Library and Museum. He has been serving in various Capacities and Committees constituted for the Institute’s routine activities. He is looking after the social media Posting in Facebook and Twitter for the Institute’s activities and achievements.