RARI Trivandrum
Employee Corner
About Institute:
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute (RARI),Thiruvananthapuram is a peripheral Institute under the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences located at Poojappura in the suburbs of Thiruvananthapuram city in Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala. It is situated 5 Kms away from Trivandrum Central. The institute is coordinating, supporting, and promoting research on Ayurvedic science with special emphasis on Life style Health Care. The building is situated in 1.54.500 acres of land focusing on Clinical Research. There is also a well- established Library in the Institute having rare collection of nearly 2138 books on various subjects for reference including Council’s publications. Hospital records are maintained with the aid of A-HMIS (AYUSH Hospital Management Implementation System). The institute has a Clinical Laboratory with Biochemical/Pathological/Serological test facilities with service charges as per the guidelines from CCRAS Headquarters.
Facilities available:
- General OPD : All working days
- Lifestyle OPD : All working days
- Geriatric OPD : Tuesday& Friday
- Marma OPD : Marma OPD
- Medicines are made available free of cost to the patients.
- Bed strength : 30
- Pay ward, female ward and general wards available.
- well equipped Panchakarma Theatres
- Treatment facilities are provided as per CCRAS’ guidelines.
Laboratory facility
- Institute library
- CCRAS’ publications are ready to sale at a discount rate.
Research Activities:
- Intra mural research projects :
- Ongoing (Nos) – 09
- Evaluation of efficacy and safety of AYUSH- M3 in the management of Pre-hypertension – a double blind randomized control clinical study
2. Impact of Ayurveda based lifestyle advocacy and practices among apparently healthy individuals across selected cities in India- a randomized parallel group study
3. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of AYUSH-HR in the management of Pre-Hypertension – A double blind Randomized control clinical study
4. Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic regimen (Virechana Karma followed by oral administration of KankayanaVati, Kanchanara guggulu and Kumaryasava) in the management of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome- A Randomized Controlled open label Clinical Trial
5. Collaborative:Treatment tolerability, medication adherence and safety of Ayurvedic formulations in the management of Psoriasis: An open label single arm study” Under SMART Programme
6. Clinical evaluation of Sanjivani Vati and Pippaladyasava in the management of Agnimandya – A Randomized Parallel group study
7. Documentation of Lifeprofiles of Luminaries in the field of Ayurveda-
A. Brahmasree O. Kesavan
B. Vaidyar,Dr K Rajagopal
C. Chittattinkara N krishnapilla Vaidyan
8. Women and Child health Care Programme under SCSP 2023-2024
9. Translation and Transliteration of Vakyapradeepika Commentary of Ashtangahridaya
Completed (Nos) – 17
- Multi Centric Open Clinical trial of Rajapravartini vati in kashtartava (May 2011 to June 2012)
2. Clinical evaluation of Asokarishta, Aswagandha choorna and Pravala pishti in the management of Menopausal syndrome (May 2011 to April 2012)
3. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of rajahpravartini vati, kanchanarguggulu andvarunadi kwatha in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos): a pilot study (20.9.13 to 10.12.14)
4. Clinical evaluation of khadirarishta & kanchanara guggulu in the managementof uterine fibroids – an exploratory study.(07.10.15 to25.04.18)
5. Retrospective pharmaco-epidemiological study on safety and effectiveness of rasaushadhi (Apr 12 to March 18
6. Clinical evaluation of ayush pe eye drops in the management of acute allergic conjunctivitis(30.04.19 to 28.12.19)
7. Clinical evaluation of the effect of sapthasaram kashaya and saraswatharishta in kashtarthava 24/03/18 to 2 years
8. A prospective open label controlled interventional study on the effect of Ayurvedic intervention (Ayurveda Raksha Kit) as a prophylactic measure in the pandemic of covid-19 – a community based study (21.10.20 to 15.02.21)
9. Ayurveda interventions in Diabetic Retinopathy:a systematic review (20.09.19 to 22.02.21)
10. Effective implementation of AYUSH- Hospital Management Information System (AHMIS) at RARILSD (April-2019 to 31.03.21)
11. Clinical evaluation of the effect of Shatavari guda and Ashokarishta in the management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (Asrigdara) (10.03.20) to March 2022)
12. Prospective open labelled observational study to document the potential safety issues and prescription trends in selected Rasausadhi’s in CCRAS -OPD’s across india (19.02.20 to 31.03.22)
13. Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic formulations Pugakhanda and Ayush PVK gel in the management of Swetapradara (pathological leucorrhoea) (27.10.20 to 08.07.22)
14. Establishment of Herbal Garden and Nursery center at RARILSD, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram(31.03.21)
15. Clinical evaluation of ayurvedic formulation Shatavarigudam & Triphalakashaya in the management of leucorrhoea (Shwetapradara) 26.10.21 to Mar 2023)
16. Swasthya Rakshan Programme (Oct 15 to Mar 19)
17. Women and Child health Care Programme under SCSP 2020-2021
- Collaborative research projects
- Ongoing (Nos) – 02
- Translation and Transliteration of Vakyapradeepika Commentary of Ashtangahridaya
2. Collaborative:Treatment tolerability, medication adherence and safety of Ayurvedic formulations in the management of Psoriasis: An open label single arm study” Under SMART Programme
Extra Mural Research Projects: Completed – 01
Establishment of Herbal Garden and Nursery center at RARILSD, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram (31.03.21)
- Out reach programs:
Ongoing (Nos) -01
Women and Child health Care Programme under SCSP 2023-2024
- Completed (Nos) -03
- Women and Child health Care Programme under SCSP
- Swasthya Rakshan Program
Contact Details
Dr V Subhose, Assistant Director-In-Charge
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute
Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695012
Email: arimchc.trivendrum@gmail.com
Telephone: 0471-2340628, 0471-2342070